

Verilog2C++ is a Verilog to C++ translation program that translates a C++ class of a Verilog design using a cycle-ac…

Source Navigator for Verilog

Source Navigator for Verilog

Source Navigator for Verilog is full featured tool for editing and navigating through large projects with many Verilog…

HDL Coding Guidelines - Part 1

HDL Coding Guidelines - Part 1

Coding of circuit behavior and architecture is one of the most critical steps in the whole chip development project. It…

Comprehensive Verilog Tutorials

Comprehensive Verilog Tutorials

The Hyper-links will be updated when the Chapter-wise Tutorials are complete! Your comments, feedback & suggestions…

Verilog rules that can save your breath !

Verilog rules that can save your breath !

This article contains some thoughts of mine about how and engineer should write Verilog code for Synthesis, general rul…

Verilog Awareness

Verilog Awareness

Differentiate between Inter assignment Delay and Inertial Delay ? What are the different State machine Styles ? Which i…

Verilog Awareness

Verilog Awareness

Consider a 2:1 mux , what will be the output F if the Select (sel) is "X" ? What is the difference between bl…

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